How to Remove Malware from WordPress Website for Free: Step-by-Step Guide

How to Remove Malware from WordPress Website for Free
How to Remove Malware from WordPress Website for Free

Malware on your WordPress website can cause many problems, from slowing down your site to stealing sensitive information. If you think your site has been infected, it’s crucial to act fast. Luckily, you don’t have to spend a fortune on expensive tools. In this guide, I, Jahid Shah, a WordPress developer and penetration tester, will show you how to remove malware from your WordPress website for free using easy-to-follow steps.

What Is Malware and Why Is It Dangerous?

Malware (short for malicious software) is harmful software designed to infiltrate or damage a computer system without the owner's consent. In the context of WordPress, malware can do things like:

  • Inject harmful code into your site files.
  • Steal sensitive information like user data or payment details.
  • Display unwanted ads or redirect visitors to malicious websites.
  • Slow down your site or crash it entirely.

If left untreated, malware can damage your website’s reputation, reduce your traffic, and lead to security vulnerabilities. So, removing it is crucial.

1. Identify the Signs of Malware Infection

Before jumping into solutions, it’s important to recognize the signs of a malware infection. These signs can include:

  • Your website is running slower than usual.
  • Unauthorized changes appear on your site, like new admin users or content you didn’t add.
  • Pop-up ads or spammy links appear on your website.
  • Your website redirects visitors to suspicious sites.
  • Your hosting provider has disabled your website due to a security breach.

If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s time to take action.

2. Backup Your Website

Before you start removing malware, always make a full backup of your website. This ensures that if anything goes wrong during the cleanup, you won’t lose your entire site. You can use plugins like UpdraftPlus or manually download your site files and database using your hosting control panel.

3. Scan Your Website for Malware

Once you have a backup, the next step is to scan your website for malware. There are several free plugins that can help you detect malware on your WordPress site:

Install one of these plugins, then run a full scan to detect any malware or suspicious files on your site.

4. Delete Infected Files

After scanning, the plugin will identify any infected files on your site. Most security plugins give you the option to automatically delete or quarantine these files. However, if you prefer manual removal, here’s how to do it:

  • Access your WordPress site via FTP using a tool like FileZilla.
  • Navigate to your site’s root directory (often called public_html or www).
  • Check the files flagged by the malware scan and delete them.
  • If you’re unsure about deleting a file, you can temporarily move it to your local computer as a backup.

Make sure to double-check which files are safe to delete. Avoid removing core WordPress files unless you’re certain they’ve been infected.

5. Remove Malicious Code from Theme and Plugin Files

Sometimes, malware hides inside your theme or plugin files. To clean them up, follow these steps:

  • Reinstall themes and plugins – The easiest way to remove malicious code from these files is to reinstall fresh copies from trusted sources (like the WordPress repository).
  • Manually clean code – If you’re familiar with coding, you can open up your theme or plugin files and search for suspicious code (like base64_decode or long, strange strings of numbers and letters). Remove or comment out the malicious code.

If you’re unsure about editing code, reinstalling the theme or plugin is usually the safest option.

6. Reset All Passwords and Update User Accounts

After removing malware, it’s critical to reset all your passwords, including your:

  • WordPress admin password.
  • Database password (done via your hosting control panel).
  • FTP account password.

Also, review your user accounts to ensure there are no unauthorized users with admin privileges. If you find any suspicious accounts, delete them immediately.

7. Update WordPress, Themes, and Plugins

One of the easiest ways for malware to infiltrate your site is through outdated software. To prevent future infections, make sure you always:

  • Update WordPress to the latest version.
  • Update your themes and plugins as new versions are released.
  • Delete any unused themes or plugins to reduce the risk of vulnerabilities.

Regular updates are essential for maintaining a secure WordPress website.

8. Install a Security Plugin for Ongoing Protection

Now that your site is clean, it’s important to keep it that way. Installing a free security plugin can help monitor your site and prevent future malware attacks. Some great options include:

  • Wordfence Security – Includes firewall protection and malware scanning.
  • Sucuri Security – Provides activity monitoring and security notifications.
  • iThemes Security – Offers brute force protection and file change detection.

These plugins add an extra layer of security to your WordPress site and help prevent future infections.

FAQs About Removing Malware from WordPress

1. How do I know if my WordPress site has been hacked?

Common signs include unusual behavior like redirects, spammy ads, slow performance, or new content that you didn’t add. A security scan using plugins like Wordfence can help confirm if your site is compromised.

2. Can I remove malware without paying for a service?

Yes, you can remove malware for free using the steps and free plugins mentioned in this guide. However, paid security services may offer more comprehensive protection and support.

3. What causes malware on WordPress sites?

Malware can be introduced through outdated plugins or themes, weak passwords, or vulnerabilities in the WordPress core. Keeping your site updated and secure reduces the risk.

4. Is removing malware difficult?

It can be difficult for beginners, but following a step-by-step guide like this makes it easier. With free tools and plugins, you can remove most malware infections without needing to pay for premium services. If you're unsure or uncomfortable, hiring a professional might be the best option.

5. How can I prevent malware infections in the future?

To prevent future infections, follow these tips:

  • Keep WordPress, plugins, and themes updated.
  • Use strong passwords and change them regularly.
  • Install a security plugin like Wordfence or Sucuri.
  • Back up your site regularly.
  • Remove unused plugins and themes.

6. Can free plugins fully protect my site from malware?

Free plugins like Wordfence and Sucuri offer strong protection, but they may not cover all advanced threats. For higher security, consider a combination of free and premium tools, as well as regular security audits.


Removing malware from your WordPress website for free is not only possible but also achievable with the right tools and knowledge. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively clean your site and protect it from future attacks. Remember to regularly update your site, use strong passwords, and install a security plugin to ensure ongoing protection.

With consistent care, your website will remain safe, secure, and functioning smoothly. If you ever feel stuck or uncertain, don’t hesitate to consult with a professional for assistance. Securing your WordPress site is a critical part of managing a successful online presence, so take action as soon as you suspect malware and keep your site healthy!